Monday, April 16, 2012

Praise Be To Elohim

Here's the deal friends:  I really like poetry and sometimes I really like to write it.  Now is one of those times.  That being said, i have written a short piece and I would like to share it with you.

Praise Be To Elohim

Thoughtless projections of a thoughtful mind,
run rampant through paths of mines,
whose principal weapons are thoughts like spears,
with sharp heads shaped from bitterest hatred,
with a shaft shaped from human desire.
We walk amongst battered bodies and broken things,
as Man who once had childlike dreams.
The world we loved deemed once too much,
has since indeed been proven as such.
We walk as one toward an end, as what?
To become the laughing stock, of jokes, the butt.

Hopelessness rules as long as we,
think not of we, but only me.
I am not a poet of accomplishment or gain.
Just a man whose thoughts are plain as day.
When once I first began to pen
my thoughts on pad and paper then,
I thought to myself with such injustice,
we are one world, but really, it's just us.
We cannot call upon each other,
when we refuse to call each other brother.
When once we cast down lofty idols,
of selfish controls and goals of idle,
we can be free to live as love
was meant for us as people of
flesh and bone and God above.
Praise be to Elohim.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Your Thumb & Forefinger

On a day like today, when I am plagued my lack of sleep and a nagging headache graciously given to me by a concussion obtained from a nice gentleman running my car into a ditch, I am all the more thankful for some of the greater qualities of the God a believe in.  Call me Paul, but I couldn't justify breaking that sentence up into subsequent parts.  It all needed to be said and all of it at once.

This day, Thursday, April 5, 2012, I am being burdened with a load that seems to heavy for my shoulders.  Not only have I suffered physical injury but I have also suffered several emotional/spiritual injuries over the past few weeks.  I am not a person who likes others to take on my burdens for me but I most share with my fellow man the events and recurring thoughts of the past few days.

Let's start on Tuesday.  I woke Tuesday morning to a feeling that my day was going to be less than excellent.  I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about when I say that I just knew that things weren't going to be "fine and dandy."  Call me a prophet but I just seemed to be bombarded with moments throughout the day that laid me low.  That being said, I cannot complain about the entirety of that day as if it were so terrible.  On Tuesday evening, I was fortunate enough to engage in some much-needed fellowship and worship at a friend's house.  Through prayer and praise, we entered into a time of community that I believe lifted me from the troubles of the day.

Let's Continue on Wednesday.  I woke with a positiveness that had been absent from me for most of the previous day.  When I left my apartment for work, I was expecting nothing less than an amazing day because of the plans that I had made for that evening.  For most of the day, this mindset was the theme of my internal psyche.  To make the day even better, I was able to leave work an hour early so that I could head to Warrensburg, MO, to visit a friend.  I stopped for gas in Lee's Summit, anxious to be on my way already (by the way, don't buy gas at Fuel Mart on Percels.  The handles of the pumps stick and you end up paying way more than you want to.).

Upon reaching Warrensburg, I went to the campus there and met with my friend to help with a Something to Eat event put on by the CCH of that school.  My understanding of "helping" was quite skewed seeing as most of my "helping" was relegated to sitting on a concrete wall for about two hours.  At 7:30, I went to weekly CCH service with my friend.  Upon leaving I drove her to the art center and headed home.  I choose to leave out the most despondent portion of my day (which subsequently occurs on my way home) due to the fact that I am still very bitter as to the occurrence.  Just know that I discovered that a friendship was less than I had hoped it would be.

Being somewhat emotionally distraught was not helped by the fact that outside of Lee's Summit, I was run off the highway and into a ditch, hitting my head and jamming my wrist on my steering wheel.  The man never stopped and I was helped out of the ditch by a concerned passerby.  Upon going to the medical clinic near my apartment, I discovered that I had received a mild concussion and a jammed wrist.  Oh joy!  It was just what I had wanted to happen to me at that exact time in my life!  I really hope that the sarcasm of that statement is apparent.

Feeling upset and sorry for myself, I drove home settled in for a long night of sleeplessness.  As I was sitting in one of my chairs, I felt my anger begin to rise in me.  I was feeling slighted, perhaps unjustly so.  About the time my angered was reaching its climax, I believe the Lord placed this thought on my heart:  "How do you have the right to be angry when you have done so much wrong?  Do you know the width of the universe?  Do you know how large it is?  You are foolish to think that the God you worship, who coincidentally measures that universe between his thumb and forefinger, cannot feel your pain and hear your cries of anguish.  He loves you, even when no one else will."  This being said, I have nothing left to say.

A Son of God,

Morgan McCoy